Vern Peterman
Vern Peterman - Raised in his earlier years at Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, California, Vern became a believer at 4 and a half years. Vern grew up partly in the suburbs and partly on a small family farm. In 1970 he met Nancy Martin at a Bible study, and they were married in 1973 (after they got over not liking each other). Vern and Nancy have always been involved in (and often Vern led) home Bible studies with adults and youth groups. Interspersed between a few attempts to go to the mission field in Latin America, Vern has been mostly a civil engineer, but also a mechanical engineer, marketing manager, financial manager, construction worker, and high school teacher. Vern and Nancy have three grown children. After four years of part time and full time work on a program at Tyndale Seminary (D.Min.), Vern has been an under shepherd at Holly Hills Bible Church since August 2001. In late 2018 Vern retired from Holly Hills and now lives and teaches at a church in California.
Title | Date | Files |
Title | Date | Files |
89 Acts Reflections. What was that? | 11/25/2018 | mp3 |
44 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - The Church as having our Access in one Spirit | 11/25/2018 | mp3 |
88 Acts 28:11-31 Paul Arrives in Rome | 11/18/2018 | mp3 |
43 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - The Church as Blessed and Chosen | 11/18/2018 | mp3 |
87 Acts 28:1-10 Safe at Malta | 11/11/2018 | mp3 |
42 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - The Church as one new man. continued | 11/11/2018 | mp3 |
86 Acts 27:14-44 Safe departure to shipwreck! | 11/04/2018 | mp3 |
41 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - The Church as One New Man | 11/04/2018 | mp3 |
85 Acts 27:1-13 Finally To Rome | 10/28/2018 | mp3 |
40 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - The Church as the Household of God | 10/28/2018 | mp3 |
84 Acts 26:19-32 This man might have been set free | 10/21/2018 | mp3 |
39 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - The Church as the Body of Christ | 10/21/2018 | mp3 |
83 Acts 26:1-18 Defense before an expert | 10/14/2018 | mp3 |
38 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - The Church as a Temple | 10/14/2018 | mp3 |
82 Acts 25:13-27 Before Agrippa & Bernice | 10/07/2018 | mp3 |
37 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - The Church as the Bride of Christ | 10/07/2018 | mp3 |
81 Acts 25:1-12 To Caesar you will go | 09/30/2018 | mp3 |
36 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - Individual Position & Church Body Position | 09/30/2018 | mp3 |
80 Acts 24:1-27 Paul before Felix | 09/23/2018 | mp3 |
35 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - Gods Image and the Unfathomable Riches of Christ - Part III | 09/23/2018 | mp3 |
79 Acts 23:23-35 Move him! | 09/16/2018 | mp3 |
34 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - Gods Image and the Unfathomable Riches of Christ - Part II | 09/16/2018 | mp3 |
78 Acts 23:12-22 What? Paul has a nephew? | 09/09/2018 | mp3 |
33 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - Gods Image and the Unfathomable Riches of Christ - Part I | 09/09/2018 | mp3 |
77 Acts, 23:1-11 The Lord stood at his side. | 09/02/2018 | mp3 |
32 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - What does (made in Gods image) mean? - Part III | 09/02/2018 | mp3 |
My Disciples Love and Abide in Me | 08/26/2018 | mp3 |
76 Acts- My disciples love & abide in Me - John 13:31-35 & 15:1-9 | 08/26/2018 | mp3 |
75 Acts 22:22-30 What? You are a Roman? | 08/19/2018 | mp3 |
31 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - What does (made in Gods image) mean? - Part II | 08/19/2018 | mp3 |
74 Acts 21:37-22:21 Hear Pauls defense | 08/12/2018 | mp3 |
30 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - What does (made in Gods image) mean? - Part I | 08/12/2018 | mp3 |
73 Acts 21:27-36 While they were seeking to kill him | 08/05/2018 | mp3 |
29 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Freed from the Law - Part VI | 08/05/2018 | mp3 |
72 Acts 21:15-26 In spite of many warnings... | 07/29/2018 | mp3 |
28 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Freed from the Law - Part V | 07/29/2018 | mp3 |
71 Acts 21:1-14 They kept telling Paul | 07/22/2018 | mp3 |
27 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Freed from the Law - Part IV | 07/22/2018 | mp3 |
70 Acts 20:25-38 Elders from Ephesus - Part II | 07/15/2018 | mp3 |
26 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Freed from the Law - Part III | 07/15/2018 | mp3 |
69 Acts 20:17-24 Elders from Ephesus - Part 1 | 07/08/2018 | mp3 |
25 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Freed from the Law - Part II | 07/08/2018 | mp3 |
68 Acts 20:1-16 The first day of the week | 07/01/2018 | mp3 |
24 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Freed from the Law - Part I | 07/01/2018 | mp3 |
67 Acts 19:28-41 Filled with confusion | 06/24/2018 | mp3 |
23 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Identification truths: joined to Christ & separated from: II | 06/24/2018 | mp3 |
66 Acts 19:21-27 No small diturbance | 06/17/2018 | mp3 |
22 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Identification truths: joined to Christ & separated from: I | 06/17/2018 | mp3 |
65 Acts 19:8-20 The word of the Lord was growing | 06/03/2018 | mp3 |
20 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Made close | 06/03/2018 | mp3 |
64 Acts 18:23-19:7 John the Baptist - in Ephesus? | 05/27/2018 | mp3 |
19 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Brethren | 05/27/2018 | mp3 |
63 Acts 18:12-28 From Gallio to Antioch to Apollo | 05/20/2018 | mp3 |
18 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Children of God, Sons of God | 05/20/2018 | mp3 |
62 Acts 18:1-11 Listening to Jesus | 05/13/2018 | mp3 |
17 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Adoption of sons | 05/13/2018 | mp3 |
61 Acts 17:22-34 You need Genesis 1-11! | 05/06/2018 | mp3 |
16 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Related to God through propitiation | 05/06/2018 | mp3 |
60 Acts 17:16-21 They used to spend their time | 04/29/2018 | mp3 |
15 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - No condemnation | 04/29/2018 | mp3 |
59 Acts 17:10-15 Silas & Timothy remained | 04/22/2018 | mp3 |
14 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Justification | 04/22/2018 | mp3 |
The secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls | 04/15/2018 | mp3 |
58 Acts 17:1-9 Explaining & giving evidence | 04/15/2018 | mp3 |
13 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Redemption | 04/15/2018 | mp3 |
57 Acts 15:36-41; 16:1-5 Paul & Barmabas, Mark & Timothy | 04/08/2018 | mp3 |
12 Unfathomable Riches in Christ - Forgiveness | 04/08/2018 | mp3 |
Resurrection 2018 Mary (Mary from Magdala) did you know? | 04/01/2018 | mp3 |
Good Friday Service, March 30 2018 evening | 03/30/2018 | mp3 |
Palm Sunday 2018 - What did the disciples know? Luke 18:28-34 | 03/25/2018 | mp3 |
11 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - In Christ, redeemed and forgiven, so as to be justified | 03/25/2018 | mp3 |
56 Acts 16:35-40 The brethren encouraged | 03/18/2018 | mp3 |
10 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - In Christ, as location and means | 03/18/2018 | mp3 |
55 Acts 16:25-34 Singing & praying until midnight | 03/11/2018 | mp3 |
09 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - In Christ, position and possessions | 03/11/2018 | mp3 |
54 Acts 16:16-24 We were going to the place of prayer | 03/04/2018 | mp3 |
08 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - In Christ, position and condition | 03/04/2018 | mp3 |
53 Acts 16:11-15 It began with Lydia | 02/25/2018 | mp3 |
07 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - Every spiritual blessing | 02/25/2018 | mp3 |
52 Acts 16:1-10 Ah, Timothy! | 02/18/2018 | mp3 |
06 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - The Identification Truths: The Front Door - Part 4 | 02/18/2018 | mp3 |
51 Acts 15:30-41 The grace of the Lord | 02/11/2018 | mp3 |
05 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - The Identification Truths: The Front Door - Part 3 | 02/11/2018 | mp3 |
50 Acts 15:22-29 Put it in a letter | 02/04/2018 | mp3 |
04 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - The Identification Truths: The Front Door - Part 2 | 02/04/2018 | mp3 |
49 Acts 15:13-21 Turning to God from among the Gentiles | 01/14/2018 | mp3 |
02 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - Introduction continued | 01/14/2018 | mp3 |
48 Acts 15:1-12 Unless... You cannot be saved! | 01/07/2018 | mp3 |
01 Unfathomable Riches of Christ - Introduction | 01/07/2018 | mp3 |
47 Acts 14:19-28 Commended to the grace of God | 12/31/2017 | mp3 |
What did Mary know? | 12/24/2017 | mp3 |
46 Acts 14:8-18 These people need Genesis 1-11 | 12/17/2017 | mp3 |
48 Knowing and Growing - HHBC Ministries in Music (continued) | 12/17/2017 | mp3 |
45 Acts 14:1-7 Preach the gospel | 12/10/2017 | mp3 |
47 Knowing and Growing - HHBC Ministries in Music (continued) | 12/10/2017 | mp3 |
44 Acts 13:44-52 Joy and the Holy Spirit | 12/03/2017 | mp3 |
46 Knowing and Growing - HHBC Ministries in Music (continued) | 12/03/2017 | mp3 |
43 Acts 13:38-43 Continue in the grace of God | 11/26/2017 | mp3 |
45 Knowing and Growing - HHBC Ministries in Music | 11/26/2017 | mp3 |
There are 1527 lessons in the database for this teacher.
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