Five most recent lessons
  Date Teacher Files
080 Romans 9:1-5 God\'s Great Plan and Purpose for Israel - Unalterable
  06/30/2024 Driedger, Miles   MP3
  Supplements: 80_romans_2024-06-30_slides.pdf
20 First Timothy lesson 7 cont.
  06/30/2024 Hemenway, Courtney   MP3
  Supplements: 1_timothy_lesson_7_2024.pdf 1-timothy-lesson-8-2024.pdf
25 Philippians 3:8-9 Knowing Christ Jesus My Lord, part 1
  06/30/2024 Henderson, Roger   MP3
  Supplements: 25_phil_3_7-9-a.pdf
079 Romans 8:38-9:3 Paul\'s Great Sorrow and Grief for Isreal
  06/23/2024 Driedger, Miles   MP3
  Supplements: 079_romans_2024-06-23_slides_b.pdf
19 First Timothy lesson 7 cont
  06/23/2024 Hemenway, Courtney   MP3
  Supplements: 1_timothy_lesson_7_2024.pdf 1-timothy-lesson-8-2024.pdf
  Date Teacher Files